Enriching lives with music

“Without music, life would be a mistake.” – Nietzsche.  

We couldn’t agree more.  

We use music to celebrate life as well as to work through heartbreak. Music is the calling of our souls, no matter how play or sing it.  

Some of us our lucky enough to learn music at a young age, whether it be through a church choir or trumpet in the elementary school band. But music is obtainable to all of us, no matter the age.  

The Black Hills Cultural Center is hoping to start offering both singing and instrumental lessons to children and adults in the area. Our goal is to give everyone the gift of music, and maybe even create a band of our own. While it may seem intimidating, music is for everyone. It’s even possible to learn to play piano in just 20 days. In just a few weeks, you will be playing your favorite tunes for friends and family.  

So, watch out for news about our upcoming classes so that you can share your musical gift!